Prof. P.I. Prasanthi Perera
Professor in Plant Science
Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening
Faculty of Agriculture & Plantation Management
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP)
Office: (+94) 312299249
Mobile: +94 718129673
Google Scholar | Researchgate | Skype: indraprasanthi
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P.I. Prasanthi Perera is a Professor in Plant Science attached to the Dept. of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening of the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. She was the Head of the same Department from 2017 to 2020. She graduated with a B.Sc. (Agriculture) [Hons.] degree from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 1997 and obtained a Ph.D. in Plant Science from the same University in 2008. She had been working at the Coconut Research Institute, Sri Lanka from 1999-2008 as a Research Officer and from 2008-2012 as a Senior Research Officer. She was a post-doctoral fellow at the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Cali, Colombia from 2010-2013 and continued working as a Researcher in Plant Cell and Tissue Culture for another year until joining the Wayamba University as a Senior Lecturer Gr. I in 2014. She obtained a promotion to the current position of Professor in 2018. Her research has been focused mainly on the development of in vitro methodologies for producing homozygous lines as a breeding tool while engaging with other tissue culture applications. She has about 100 scientific publications in indexed and refereed journals and local and international conference proceedings as abstracts and full papers. The career pathway is given below.
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Gonawila, Makandura
Professor in Plant Science Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management |
2018, March–Up-to-date |
Head Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management |
2017, September–August 2020 |
Deputy Proctor Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management |
2015 Jan – 2017 Dec |
Senior Lecturer (Grade I) Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management |
2014, April–2018 February |
Visiting Lecturer Department of Biotechnology Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management |
2009 |
Responsibilities / Involvements :
- Conducting lecture and the practical components of the course that are taught including Plant Tissue Culture and Micropropagation, Principles and Applications of Plant Breeding, Project Proposal Formulations and Scientific Writing etc.
- Formative and summative assessment of the students for the courses conducted
- Supervising the students for their undergraduate and postgraduate research thesis
- Mentoring the student for the progression of their undergraduate studies
- Maintaining student discipline in the faculty
- Involving in the curriculum development process by introducing new courses and by revising the existing curricular for the available courses
- Conducting the research in a diverse areas including doubled-haploid plant regeneration through the manipulation of gamete cells, floral and pollen biology, screening the crop germplasm for different biotic and abiotic stresses and micropropagation of different plant species etc.
- Publishing the results generated from the research in high-impact journals, conference proceedings and books
- Conducting outreach activities for the benefit of the society including the general public and the industry
- Assisting the university by serving on different senate-nominated committees
- Assisting the faculty and the department for the continuation of their smooth functioning through participation in the different activities
- Reviewing the degree programs of the state universities of Sri Lanka for enhancing the quality standards
- Reviewing the scientific papers for their appropriateness of publication in International and National Journals and conference proceedings
- Preparing the project proposals for research grants
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) 2010 June- 2014 June
Cali, Colombia
Cassava Breeding Program Plant, Cell and Tissue Culture Specialist (Researcher) |
March 2013-2014 June |
Plant, Cell and Tissue Culture Specialist (Post-Doctoral Fellow) | June 2010-March 2013 |
- Coordination of laboratory work of a team of 3–4 staff.
- Innovation to advance the protocol for the regeneration of doubled haploids.
- Interaction and collaboration with other program scientists out posted in Africa.
- Training of personnel from developing countries.
- Data collection, handling, analysis and summarising the results
- Publication of the research results in high-impact journals and conference proceedings
- Update the progress of the project at the project/ institute meetings using PowerPoint presentations
- Supervising the postgraduate students for their research thesis
Coconut Research Institute (CRI)
Lunuwila, Sri Lanka
Tissue Culture Division Senior Researcher (with two years on no-pay leave) |
2008–2012 |
- Planning and implementing research projects including the data analyzing and results presentation in the specialized disciplines.
- Guiding the experimental, technical and other subordinate staff for assisting in the implementation of research projects
- Implementation of overall research program of the division
- Supervision of university undergraduate students to fulfill their research component.
- Writing of reports and project proposals.
- Data collection, handling, analysis and summarising of the results
- Publication of the research results in high-impact journals and conference proceedings
- Update the progress of the project at the institute meetings using PowerPoint presentations
- Supervising the undergraduate students for their research thesis
- Conducting demonstrations on the Coconut Tissue Culture to the general public
Researcher | 1999–2008 |
- Implementation of research projects, analysing data and presenting results in the specialized disciplines
- Guiding the experimental and technical officers and other subordinates of the division for collecting & recording data
- Planning, design and execution of research projects.
- Writing of reports and project proposals.
- Conducting the demonstrations on the Coconut Tissue Culture to the general public
Genetics and Plant Breeding Division
Technical Assistant | 1998–1999 |
- Project on RAPD-based characterization of conserved coconut biodiversity in Sri Lanka with emphasis on the detection of markers linked to drought tolerance.
Internship | 1997 |
- Project on taxonomic and cytogenetic characterization of Spicata in coconut for partial fulfillment of the requisite for a B.Sc. degree.
Institute for Development Research (IRD)-Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD) 2002–2004
Montepellier, France
Visiting Scientist (3 or 4 months each year for a total of 12 months)
- Conducting research on histology, western-blotting and RNA in-situ hybridization
Curriculum Vitae
- Life Member (2021/882) of the Institute of Biology (IoB), Sri Lanka from 15.10.2021
- Life Member (6859/B) of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS) from 2006
- Annual Member of the Society for the Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO) inn 2021
Research Interests and Highlights:
In Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)
- Field evaluation of okra Germplasm for resistance to Mosaic Virus
- Reproductive biology
- Development of the homozygous lines through microspore culture technique
In Chilli (Capsicum annum)
- Evaluation of chilli varieties for drought resistance under in vitro conditions
- Evaluation of chilli varieties for nitrogen use efficiency under in vitro conditions
- Evaluation of chilli varieties for tolerance to high-temperature levels under in vitro conditions
- Development of a crop model for higher productivity with fewer inputs under Kalpitiya cropping system
In cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
- Breeding of cassava for Cassava Mosaic Virus, Postharvest physiological Deterioration (PPD) and high biomass and beta-carotene content
- Field evaluation and cassava germplasm for resistance to Cassava Mosaic Virus
- Developmental biology of the cassava inflorescence.
- Development of a tissue culture protocol to produce doubled haploid/homozygous lines using anther and microspore culture techniques.
In coconut (Cocos nucifera L.)
- Developmental biology of the coconut inflorescence.
- Development of a protocol to produce doubled haploid homozygous plants (pure lines) using the anthers and microspores of mature male flowers, which had a great impact on crop improvement by accelerating the generation of new improved varieties.
- Development of a protocol for mass clonal production of coconut plants using the ovaries of immature female flowers to satisfy the high demand for improved planting materials.
In Nil Mahanel (Nymphea nouchali var. nouchali)
- Establishment of the sterile in vitro cultures using seed and leaf explants
- Development of a seed culture protocol for mass propagating this vulnerable species with the aim of conserving for future generations
Yams (Diascoria)
- Development of micropropagation technique
- Development of advanced propagation methods in vivo
Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo)
- Reproductive biology
- Development of homozygous lines using microspore culture technique
- Seed dormancy after harvesting the paddy in Rice (Oryza sativa)
- Development of an organic fertilizer formula for hydroponic culture
- Cashew propagation through stem cuttings
- Application of molecular tools for assaying the ploidy level, population analysis, segregation pattern and gene expression
- Cytogenetic analysis for identification of genetic peculiarities and ploidy levels in different crop species
- Histological analysis
- The World Academy of Science, Italy / National Science Foundation (TWAS/NSF) Young Scientist Award for Scientific Excellence awarded in December 2008
- National Award for Excellence in Agricultural Research (2017) Certificate of Commendation ‘Plantation Sector’. Awarded by Sri Lanka Association for Agricultural Research Policy
- NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publication in 2014, awarded by the National Research Council, Sri Lanka in January 2017
- NRC Merit Award for Scientific Publication in 2010, awarded by the National Research Council in October 2014
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication, for scientific research evaluated by peers and published in the year 2009 awarded in January 2014
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication, for scientific research evaluated by peers and published in the year 2008 awarded in January 2014
- President’s Award for Scientific Publication, for scientific research evaluated by peers and published in the year 2007 awarded in January 2014
- Hiran Tillakeratne Special Award for Research in the Field of Agriculture,awarded by the University Grants Commission, Sri Lanka (2010).
- Postgraduate Research Merit Award, granted by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science at its 64th annual session (2008).
- Gold Medal for the best paper presentation of the 2nd Symposium on Plantation Crop Research (2008).
- Best paper presentation in the session on Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, granted by the 20th Annual Congress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture (2008
- Merit Award for Most Outstanding Senior Researcher (2021). Awarded by the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
- Merit Award for Most Outstanding Senior Researcher (2020). Awarded by the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
- Merit Pass in the Overall Performance of the Certificate Course on Staff Development (CCSD) conducted by the Staff Development Centre, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka (2015).
Peer-Reviewed Articles in SCI/ SCIE / ESCI Journals
- Jathunarachchi A.S., Perera P.I.P., Salgadoe A.S.A., Gimhani D.R., Weerakoon H.M. (2022) In vitro selection of chili (Capsicum annuum) varieties tolerant to reduced nitrogen supplements. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture DOI:
- Nilusha RAT, Jayasinghe JMJK, Perera ODAN, Perera PIP, Jayasinghe C. V. L. (2021). Proximate Composition, Physicochemical, Functional, and Antioxidant Properties of Flours from Selected Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Varieties. International Journal of Food Science 2021: 6064545 DOI:
- Perera P.I.P., Attanayaka T., Yakandawala K., Yakandawala D., Fernando C., Arachchi U., Gunawardhana D., Weerasinghe C. (2021). In vitro culture of Nymphaea nouchali seeds; a conservation approach for a vulnerable species. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, 49(3) 393-402 DOI:
- Jathunarachchi A.S., Perera P.I.P., Salgadoe A.S.A. (2021). Plant Genetic Resources Assay for Abiotic Stress-Tolerant Traits Using Tissue Culture Techniques: A Review. SABRAO Journal of Breeding and Genetics, 53 (3) 334-351
- Perera P.I.P., Pathirana R., Vidhanaarchchi V.R.M. (2021). Somatic embryogenesis in anther-derived fast-growing callus as a long-term source for doubled-haploid production of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.). Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 49 (1) 39-49 DOI:
- Dissanayake L, Perera P, Attanayaka T, Heberle E., Jayawardhana M (2020). Early development of direct embryos in the cultured anthers of Manihot esculenta Crantz. Plants 9(10): 1315 DOI:
- Perera PIP, Motha K. F. and Vidhanaarchchi V. R. M. (2020). Morphological and histological analysis of anther-derived embryos of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.). Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 140:685–689 DOI:
- Nilusha RAT, Jayasinghe JMJK, Perera ODAN, Perera PIP (2019). Development of Pasta Products with Nonconventional Ingredients and Their Effect on Selected Quality Characteristics: A Brief Overview. International Journal of Food Science 2019(1):1-10 DOI:
- Perera PIP, Ordoñez CA, Dedicova B, Ortega PEM (2014). Reprogramming of cassava (Manihot esculenta) microspores towards sporophytic development. AoB PLANTS 6: plu022 DOI:
- Perera PIP, CA Ordoñez, LA Becerra Lopez-Lavalle, JDJS Kularatne,B Dedicova (2014). A milestone in the doubled haploid pathway of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz): cellular and molecular assessment of anther-derived structures. Protoplasma, 251(1):233-246, DOI:
- Vidhanaarachchi VRM, SC Fernando, PIP Perera, L.K. Weerakoon (2013). Application of un-fertilized ovary culture to identify elite mother palms of Cocos nucifera L. with regenerative potential. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 41 (1): 29-34 DOI:
- Perera PIP, M Quintero, B Dedicova, JDJS Kularatne, H Ceballos (2013). Comparative morphology, biology and histology of reproductive development in three lines of Manihot esculenta (Euphorbiaceae: Crotonoideae). AoB Plants 5: pls046 DOI: http://10.1093/aobpla/pls046
- Perera PIP, V Hocher, LK Weerakoon, DMD Yakandawala, SC Fernando, J-L Verdeil (2010). Early inflorescence and floral development in Cocos nucifera L. (Arecaceae: Arecoideae). South African Journal of Botany 76: 482–492. DOI:
- Perera PIP, DMD Yakandawala, J-L Verdeil, V Hocher, LK Weerakoon (2010). Morphological aspects of coconut anther culture derived structures. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 38(1): 69–74. DOI:
- Perera PIP, VRM Vidhanarachchi, TR Gunathilake, DMD Yakandawala, V Hocher, J-L Verdeil, LK Weerakoon (2009). Effect of plant growth regulators on ovary culture of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 99: 71–83.
- Perera PIP, DMD Yakandawala, V Hocher, J-L Verdeil, LK Weerakoon (2009). Effect of growth regulators on microspore embryogenesis in coconut anthers. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 96: 171–180. DOI:
- Perera PIP, IP Wickremasinhe, WMU Fernando (2008). Morphological, cytogenetic and genotypic differences between Spicata and ordinary tall coconut (Cocos nucifera L.). Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 36(1): 103–108.
- Perera PIP, L Perera, V Hocher, J-L Verdeil, DMD Yakandawala, LK Weerakoon (2008). Use of SSR markers to determine the anther-derived homozygous lines in coconut. Plant Cell Reports 27: 1697–1703. DOI:
- Perera PIP, V Hocher, J-L Verdeil, HDD Bandupriya, DMD Yakandawala, LK Weerakoon (2008). Androgenic potential in coconut (Cocos nucifera L.). Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 92: 293–302.
- Perera PIP, V Hocher, J L Verdeil, S Doulbeau, DMD Yakandawala, LK Weerakoon (2007). Unfertilized ovary: A novel explant for coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) somatic embryogenesis. Plant Cell Reports 26(1): 21–28. DOI:
Peer-Reviewed articles in other indexed Journals
- Gunawardhana WPDS, Perera PIP, Muhandiram HMAP, Swarnathilaka DBR, Priyadarshani KDN (2022). Surface sterilization protocols of leaf and bud explants for initiating in vitro cultures of Piper nigrum L. (Pepper). Tropical Agricultural Research & Extension 25 (2): 2022
- Buttibwa M, Kawuki RS, Oshaba B, Eyokia M, Hershey C, Perera PIP, Heberle-Bors E, Baguma Y, Tugume AK (2020). In vitro Culture of Heat-treated Anthers Induces Embryogenic Callus in Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology 8(3): 249 DOI:
- Perera PIP, JDJS Kularatne, LK Weerakoon (2011). Effect of gelling agent and selective sub-culturing on hyperhydricity in anther-derived coconut embryos. CORD, International Journal on Coconut Research and Development 27(2): 26–37.
- Perera PIP, V Hocher, LK Weerakoon, DMD Yakandawala,JL Verdeil (2009). Feasibility of using the expression of Retinoblastoma gene as a marker for assessing the embryogenic potential of coconut ovary culture. CORD, International Journal on Coconut Research and Development 25(1): 34–45.
- Perera PIP (2003). Cytological examination of pollen development for microspore and anther culture of coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) cv Sri Lanka Tall. Cocos 15: 53–59. DOI:
Book Chapters
- Perera P.I.P., Vidhanaarachchi V.R.M. (2021) Anther Culture in Coconut (Cocos nucifera ). In: Segui-Simarro J.M. (eds) Doubled Haploid Technology. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2289. Humana, Springer, New York, NY. pp 167-178 DOI:
Full papers published in International conference proceedings
- Jathunarachchi A.S., P.I.P Perera, and M.C.J. Premaratne (2020). Effect of Yellow Vain Mosaic Virus Disease on chlorophyll content of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) Leaves. In: All Russian National Research and Practice Conference, Youth Science Development of the Agroindustrial Complex, 3-4 December 2020, Kursk, Russia
- Dissanayake DMLS, Attanayaka DPSTG, Perera PIP (2016). Triggering the androgenesis induction in cultured cassava (Manihot esculenta) anthers. Transactions of Persatuan Genetik Malaysia, 3: 107-110
- Fernando CN, Yakandawala K, Attanayaka DPSTG and Perera PIP (2016). Optimization of the sterilization protocol and the leaf stage for minimizing the contamination risk in cultured violet flowered Nymphaea leaves. Transactions of Persatuan Genetik Malaysia, 3: 103-106
- Perera PIP, B Dedicova, C Ordonez, JDJS Kularatne, M Quintero, H Ceballos (2011). Recent advances in androgenesis induction of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Acta Horticulturae 961: 319-325.
- Perera PIP, V Hocher, J-L Verdeil, DMD Yakandawala, LK Weerakoon (2006). Recent advances in anther culture of coconut (Cocos nucifera L). In: Xu Z, J Li, Y Xue, W Yang (eds.). Biotechnology and sustainable agriculture: 2006 and beyond. Proceedings of the 11th International Association for Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology (IAPTC&B) Congress 13–18 August 2006, Beijing, China. pp. 451–
- Bandupriya HDD, PIP Perera, LK Weerakoon (2004). Biochemical and histological analysis of immature inflorescence tissues of coconut (Cocos nucifera) to support in vitro clonal propagation. In: Peiris TSG and CS Ranasinghe (eds.). Proceedings of the International Conference of the 75th Anniversary of the Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka, 8–11 September, 2004, Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp. 326–334.
- Malaurie B, O N’Nan, M Borges, HDD Bandupriya, P Perera, SC Fernando, V Hocher, J-L Verdeil (2004). The use of biotechnology for conservation and dissemination of coconut genetic resources: An assessment of the IRD/Cirad implication. In: Peiris TSG and CS Ranasinghe (eds.). Proceedings of the International Conference of the 75th anniversary of the Coconut Research Institute, 8–11 September, 2004, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 233–252.
- Fernando SC, LK Weerakoon, PIP Perera, HDD Bandupriya, IE Ambagala, CKA Gamage, ES Santha, TR Gunathilake, L Perera. (2004). Genetic fidelity and ex vitro performance of tissue-cultured coconut plants. In: Peiris, TSG and CS Ranasinghe (eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference of 75th Anniversary of the Coconut Research Institute, 8–11 September, 2004, Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp. 47–57
Full papers published in National conference proceedings
- Jathunarachchi A.S., Perera P.I., Premaratne M.C.J. (2020). Screening okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) germplasm for yellow Vein mosaic virus disease resistance. Proceedings of the 9th Young Scientist Forum Symposium, Sri Lanka, 13th November 2020 pp 158-163
- Nilusha, R.A.T., Perera, O.D.A.N., Perera, P.I.P., Jayasinghe, J.M.J.K. (2019). Functional properties of flour from five different Sri Lankan cassava (Manihot esculenta) cultivars, Proceedings of the 8th YSF Symposium, Young Scientist Forum symposium, Sri Lanka, pp.139-144
- Perera PIP, V Hocher, JL Verdeil, DMD Yakandawala, LK Weerakoon (2008). Generation of double haploid coconut (Cocos nucifera) plants via anther culture. Pragňã (Special issue for Aries Kovoor Memorial Symposium, Sri Lanka) 19(1): 35–39.
- Perera PIP, DMD Yakandawala, V Hocher, J-L Verdeil, LK Weerakoon (2008). Variations among anthers and their orientation during in vitro culture for inducing androgenesis in coconut. In: Nainanayake NPAD and JMDT Everard (eds.). Export competitiveness through quality improvement, Second Symposium on Plantation Crop Research, Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp. 104–
- Perera PIP, DMD Yakandawala, J-L Verdeil, V Hocher, LK Weerakoon (2008). Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in unfertilised ovary explants of coconut (Cocos nucifera). Journal of Tropical Agricultural Research 20: 226–233.
Abstracts published in International conference proceedings
- Jathunarachchi AS, Perera PIP, Salgadoe ASA and Gimhani DR (2021) Early Vegetative Growth of Chili (Capsicum annum) Varieties under Reduced Nitrogen Levels Provided through In Vitro Culture. In: Proceedings of Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPURSE), Sri Lanka, Vol. 23, 11th – 12th November, Kandy, pp- 409
- Dissanayake DMLS, Perera PIP, Attanayaka DPSTG (2016). Effect of Heat Shock and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on Androgenesis of Manihot esculenta. In: Proceedings of the Wayamba University International Conference, 19 – 20 August Sri Lanka. Pp 288
- Perera PIP and B Dedicova (2014). Feasibility of using microspores for the production of homozygous lines in cassava. In: Proceedings of Wayamba International Conference (WinC), August 29–30, Sri Lanka.
- Perera PIP, CA Ordoñez, B Dedicova (2013). Histological evidence for reprograming of pollen grains in the cultured cassava anthers. In: Pollen 2013, Pollen Biotechnology, Diversity and Function in the Changing Environment, 2nd International APLE-APLF Congress; 17-20 September, Madrid, Spain, pp 152.
- Perera PIP, B Dedicova, C Ordoñez, M Quintero, H Ceballos (2011). Recent advances in androgenesis induction of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz subspecies esculenta). In: Book of abstracts; Biotechnological advances in in vitro horticultural breeding. Conference of In Vitro Culture of Horticultural Breeding (IVCHB), 18–22 September 2011, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 106.
- Perera PIP, V Hocher, J-L Verdeil, DMD Yakandawala, LK Weerakoon, (2007). Enhancing effect of TDZ on callogenesis of coconut (Cocos nucifera). In: Books of abstracts; Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology (APaCPA), 17-21 June 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 128.
Abstracts published in National conference proceedings
- Jathunarachchi AS, Perera PIP, Salgadoe ASA and Gimhani DR (2021) Identification of the adaptable chili (Capsicum annuum L.) varieties for a hightemperature level under in vitro condition. In: Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Proceedings of the 77th Annual Sessions Part I, 6-11 Colombo Sri Lanka pp-111
- Jathunarachchi AS, Perera PIP, Salgadoe ASA and Gimhani DR (2021) Response of chili (Capsicum annuum) varieties for low nitrogen levels supplemented under in vitro condition. In: Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Proceedings of the 77th Annual Sessions Part I, 6-11 Colombo Sri Lanka pp-112
- Jathunarachchi AS, Perera PIP, Salgadoe ASA and Gimhani DR (2021) Varietal response of chilli (capsicum annum) to low concentrations of nitrogen under in vitro conditions In: Proceedings of the Postgraduate Institute of Science Research Congress, Sri Lanka: 29th -31st October, Kandy, Sri Lanka pp-17
- Dewagedara D.M.A.E.I., Ruwanpathirana P.M., Perera P.I.P. and D.R. Gimhani (2020). Identification of the adaptable Capsicum annuum varieties for low water availability under in vitro conditions. In: Proceedings of the 76th Annual Session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Part I, 13-18 December, Colombo, Sri Lanka pp. 130.
- Perera PIP, Arachchi UPE, Yakandawala K, Attanayaka DPSTG and (2019). Genetic Diversity of Nymphaea nouchali f. Isolated Populations f. Proceedings of Wayamba Research Congress, 11th July 2019, pp 11-12
- Nilusha, R.A.T., Perera, O.D.A.N., Perera, P.I.P. & Jayasinghe, J.M.J.K. (2019). Characterization of flour from Sri Lankan cassava (Manihot esculenta) cultivars, Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference of Uwa Wellassa University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka, pp.249
- Perera PIP Fernando CN, Yakandawala K, Attanayaka DPSTG and (2018). Effect of scarification on breaking dormancy in cultured seeds of Nymphaea nouchali f. Proceedings of Wayamba Research Congress, 04th July 2018, pp 5-6
- Dissanayake DMLS, Attanayaka DPSTG, Perera PIP (2017). Induction of microspore embryogenesis for producing homozygous lines in cassava (Manihot esculenta) through anther culture. Proceedings of Wayamba Research Congress, 24th March 2017, pp 48-49
- Fernando CN, Yakandawala K, Attanayaka DPSTG and Perera PIP (2017). Optimization of seed sterilization procedure for Nymphaea nouchali Brum f. Proceedings of Wayamba Research Congress, 24th March 2017, pp 56-57
- Vidhanaarachchi VRM, SC Fernando, PIP Perera, LK Weerakoon (2010). Identification of elite coconut mother palms with in vitro regeneration potential using unfertilized ovary culture. Proceedings of the Third Symposium on Plantation Crop Research. 30 September–1 October, Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp. 333.
- Perera PIP, LK Weerakoon, DMD Yakandawala (2005). Histological studies on inflorescence development of coconut (Cocos nucifera L). In: Proceedings of the 61th Annual Session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 12-17 December, Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp. 23.
- Perera PIP, LK Weerakoon, SC Fernando, DMD Yakandawala (2004). Histological studies on embryogenic structures derived from unfertilized ovary explants of coconut (Cocos nucifera L). In: Proceedings of the 60th Annual Session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 20–23 December, Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp. 114.
- Perera PIP, LK Weerakoon, SC Fernando (2003). Use of unfertilized ovary as a source of explant for coconut (Cocos nucifera L) in vitro In: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 9-13 December, Colombo, Sri Lanka pp. 94.
- Perera PIP (2002). Studies on the pollen development of Cocos nucifera cv Sri Lanka Tall for haploid culture. In: Proceedings of the 58th Annual Session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 2–7 December, Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp. 45.
- Fernando WMU and PIP Perera (1998). A taxonomic and cytogenetic characterization of Spicata in coconut (Cocos nucifera). In: Proceedings of the 54th Annual Session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 9–13 December, Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp. 67.
Articles in newsletters and bulletins
- Weerakoon LK, SC Fernando, VRM Vidhanaarachchi, PIP Perera, HDD Bandupriya, CKA Gamage, ES Santha, IE Ambagala, TR Gunathilake (2003). Clonal propagation of coconut through tissue culture in Sri Lanka. SAIC Newsletter 13(1): 8.
- Weerakoon LK, SC Fernando, VRM Vidhanaarachchi, PIP Perera, HDD Bandupriya, CKA Gamage, ES Santha, KPIE Ambagala (2002). Field establishment of tissue-cultured coconut plants Coconut Tissue Culture Newsletter, Burotrop Bulletin 17: 26.
Thesis and project reports
- Perera PIP (2008). Studies on ovary, ovule and anther culture of coconut (Cocos nucifera) Ph.D. Thesis, Post Graduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
- Perera PIP (1997). A taxonomic and cytogenetic characterization of Spicata in coconut. Project report submitted for the partial fulfilment of the requirement of the advanced course in Agricultural Biology.
Full papers published in Agricultural Research Symposium WUSL
- Batangala B.U.C., I.P. perera and A.S. Jathunarachchi (2022) Identification of Beet (Beta vulgaris) Varieties Adaptable to Low Nitrogen Levels under In Vitro Condition. In: Proceedings of 20th Agricultural Research Symposium (2022) 341-345
- Ekanayake G.D.S.H., I.P. Perera, and A.S. jathunarachchi (2022). In-Vitro Selection of Drought-Tolerant Chili (Capsicum annum L.) Varieties Suitable for Cultivating in Kalpitiya Area. In: Proceedings of 20th Agricultural Research Symposium (2022) 376-380
- Kolombage N.D., I.P. Perera and A.S. Jathunarachchi (2022). Screening of Beet (Beta vulgaris L.) Germplasm for Water Stress Induced by Polyethylene Glycol under In Vitro Conditions. In: Proceedings of 20th Agricultural Research Symposium (2022) 425-429
- Nuwarapaksha N.S.A., I.P. Perera, and A.S. Jathunarachchi (2022). Selection of Beet (Beta vulgaris) Varieties Tolerant to High Temperature Stress under In Vitro Conditions. In: Proceedings of 20th Agricultural Research Symposium (2022) 465-469
- Chathuranga M.M.P., Perera P.I.P., Dewagedara D.M.A.E.I., Jathunarachch A.S. (2021). Effect of Vegetative Parameters under Different Water Levels on Three Chilli (Capsicum annuum) Varieties. In: Proceedings of 20th Agricultural Research Symposium, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp- 320-324
- Piyathissa N.K.L.S., Perera P.I.P., Vidhaanarachchi V.R.M. (2021). Effect of Heat Pretreatment on Induction of Microspore Embryogenesis in Cocos nucifera In: Proceedings of 20th Agricultural Research Symposium, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp-340-344
- Suraweera H.G.M.R., Perera P.I.P., Jayarathne S.P.N.C. (2021). Viability of Heat Pre-treated Microspores in Cocos nucifera for Androgenesis Induction. In: Proceedings of 20th Agricultural Research Symposium, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp-405-409
- Massilage S.P, Weerasinghe W.D.P, Perera P.I.P., Nelumsheely G.D. (2021). Agronomic, Reproductive and Yield Performance of Advanced Breeding Lines of Rice (Oryza sativa). In: Proceedings of 20th Agricultural Research Symposium, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp-420-423
- Nilmini H.A.S., Perera P.I.P., Jathunarachchi A.S.(2021). Effect of Temperature on Early Development of In vitro Raised Chilli (Capsicum annuum) Varieties. In: Proceedings of 20th Agricultural Research Symposium, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp-434-438
- Nimantha S.W.S.L., Perera P.I.P., Herath H.M.S.P. (2021). Conditions for Using Stem Cuttings as Propagules for Vegetative Propagation of Anacardium occidentale In: Proceedings of 20th Agricultural Research Symposium, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp-454-457
- Weerakoon H.M., Perera P.I.P. and Subashini J.K.W.N. (2019). In Vitro Screening of Chilli (Capsicum annum) Varieties for Low Available Nitrogen. In: Proceedings of 18th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp- 503-507
- Jathunarachchi A.S., Perera P.I.P and Premaratne M.C.J. (2019). Field Evaluation of (Abelmoschus esculentus) Germplasm for Virus Resistance. In: Proceedings of 18th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp- 503-507
- Basnayake B.R.S.S. and Perera P.I.P. (2019). Induction of Embryogenesis in Cultured Microspores of Cassava (Manihot esculenta). In: Proceedings of 18th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp-528-532
- Fernando S.L.R. and Perera P.I.P. (2019). Yield Loss of Manihot esculenta Infected by Cassava Mosaic Virus: Case Study in Gampaha and Kurunagala Districts. In: Proceedings of 18th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp- 503-507
- Ruwanpathirana P.M. and I.P. Perera (2019). In Vitro Screening of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) Germplasm for Water Stress Induced by Polyethylene Glycol. In: Proceedings of 18th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp- 479-483
- Subasinghe K.M.A.N. and I.P. Perera (2019). In Vitro Screening of Abelmoschus esculentus Varieties for Water Stress Induced by Polyethylene Glycol. In: Proceedings of 18th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp- 444-448
- Arachchi U.P.E., Perera P.I.P., Attanayaka D.P.S.T.G. and Yakandawala K. (2018). Evaluation of the Genetic Diversity of Nymphaea nouchali f. Populations. . In: Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp 26-30
- Gamage B.C.M.A., Babu A.G.C. and Perera I.P. (2018). Screening Exotic Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Germplasm for Higher Yielding Ability under Kalpitiya Climatic Condition. In: Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp 345-349
- Weerasinghe W.D.C.D. and Perera I.P. (2018). In-vitro Propagation of Nymphaea nouchali Brum. f. through Seed Culture. In: Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp 330-334
- Maduranga H.W.A. and Perera I.P. (2018). Screening Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Varieties for Sri Lankan Cassava Mosaic Virus (SLCMV) Resistance in Kurunegala and Gampaha Districts. In: Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp 120-124
- Muhandiram H.M.A.P., Priyadarshani K.D.N. and Perera P.I.P. (2018). Effect of Growth Regulators on Callus Induction in Piper nigrum Leaf Explants. In: Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp- 125-129
- Premachandra K.J., Gamage G.G.S.U. and Perera P.I.P. (2018). In Vitro Screening of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Germplasm for Water Stress Condition Induced by Polyethylene Glycol. In: Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp-266-270
- Udayangi M.A.I. and Perera P.I.P. (2018). Optimization of Microspore Isolation Protocol for Local Cassava Genotype. In: Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp-310-314
- Dayarathna P.Y.S. and Perera P.I.P. (2018). Induction of Cell Division in Cultured Microspores of Local Cassava Genotypes (Manihot esculenta) for Haploid Plant Production. In: Proceedings of 17th Agricultural Research Symposium, 28-29 November, Makandura, Sri Lanka pp-194-198
- Gunawardhana W.P.D.S., Swarnathilaka D.B.R., Perera P.I.P. (2017). Optimization of Explant Sterilization Protocol for Clonal Propagation of Piper nigrum In: Proceedings of 16th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP) 9th-10th November, pp 296-300
- Athawuda A.A.M.P., Perera P.I.P. (2017). Studies on Different Factors for Inducing Callogenesis in Leaf Explants of Nymphaea nouchali. In: Proceedings of 16th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP) 9th-10th November, pp 334-338
- M.M.L. Jayawardhana, Perera P.I.P. (2017). Effect of Growth Regulators and Energy Source on Androgenesis Induction of Manihot esculenta . In: Proceedings of 16th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP) 9th-10th November, pp 414-417
- Jayawardana K.V.G.L.M.C., Perera I.P. (2017). Studies on Germination of Stem Cuttings of Anacardium occidentale L. (Cashew). In: Proceedings of 16th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP) 9th-10th November, pp 437-440
- Surendra S.A.M.C., Perera I.P. (2017). A Pollen Study in Some Cultivars of Two Orchid Genera, Dendrobium and Oncidium. In: Proceedings of 16th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP) 9th-10th November, pp 469-472
- Sugandika B.A.P. and Perera P.I.P. (2016). A Pollen Study of Two Local Cassava Genotypes (Manihot esculenta) in Sri Lanka. In: Proceedings of the 15th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP), 28th – 29th June, pp.350-353.
- Ekanayake E.M.E.G.P.M., Attanayake A.M.K.B. and Perera P.I.P. (2016). Optimization of Sterilization and Regeneration Protocol in Micropropagation of Agave angustifolia. In: Proceedings of the 15th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP), 28th – 29th June, pp.293-296.
- Rathnasekara U.S., Kannangara K.N. and Perera P.I.P. (2016). Vegetative and Reproductive Characteristics of Locally Developed Chilli (Capsicum annuum) Varieties under Organic Farming System. In: Proceedings of the 15th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP), 28th – 29th June, pp.249 – 253.
- Rankothge D.G.D.C., Kumari H.M.P.S. and Perera P.I.P. (2016). Induction of Somatic Embryogenesis in the Anther-Derived Calli of Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia). In: Proceedings of the 15th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP), 28th – 29th June, pp.244 – 248.
- Dissanayake D.M.N.S. and Perera P.I.P. (2016). Control of Contamination and Browning in Micropropagation of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) using Axillary Buds. In: Proceedings of the 15th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP), 28th – 29th June, pp.204 – 208.
- Hapugala R.V. and Perera P.I.P. (2015). Effect of gibberellin on reproductive development of cassava (Manihot esculenta). In: Proceedings of the 14th Agricultural Research Symposium, Department of Biotechnology, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP), 25-26 June, pp.10-14
- Gunarathne D.R.U.E., Premawardhane K.A.J.C. and Perera P.I.P. (2015). Morphological diversity and yield variability of selected yam varieties (dioscorea) in low country intermediate zone. In: Proceedings of the 14th Agricultural Research Symposium, Department of Biotechnology, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP), 25-26 June, pp 101-105.
- Dissanayaka D.M.S.K. and Perera P.I.P. (2015). Effect of the stalk type and the planting method on vegetative and reproductive development of cassava (Manihot Esculenta). In: Proceedings of the 14th Agricultural Research Symposium, Department of Biotechnology, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP), 25-26 June pp. 79-82.
- Thilakarathne A.N.N. Perera P.I.P. (2015). Effect of ethrel on vegetative and reproductive development of cassava (Manihot Esculenta). In: Proceedings of the 14th Agricultural Research Symposium, Department of Biotechnology, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP), 25-26 June pp 35-39
- Dadigama KA, PIP Perera, DPSTG Attanayake (2009). Identification of a storage medium for transportation of coconut embryos. In: Proceedings of the 9th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP), 11–12 August 2008. pp. 269–273.
- Motha KF, PIP Perera, DPSTG Attanayake (2008). Histological studies on coconut (Cocos nucifera) anther culture. In: Proceedings of the 8th Agricultural Research Symposium, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Markandura, Gonawila (NWP), 13–14 August 2008. pp.160–164.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Consultant for two activities
- Grant amount: Rs. 3 306 400.00 (USD 10 000.00)
- Title: “Strengthen capacities to implement the adaptive national agriculture policy interventions project
- Duration: Ten months (20.12.2021-20.10.2022)
- Grant No. TCP/SRL/3804
Acceleration of Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Grant funded by World Bank for Development Oriented Research
- Activity coordinator of Work Package 2
- Duration: 2019-2022
- Title: An Integrated Approach to Improve the Socio-Economic & Environmental Sustainability of Intensive Agricultural Systems with Special Reference to Kalpitiya Peninsula
- Grant amount: Rs. 40 000 000.00. (USD 300 000.00)
- Grant No.: AHEAD/DOR/051
University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka:
- Co-investigator
- Duration: 2018-2019-2020
- Title: Characterization of Cassava (Manihot esculenta) starch attributes of selected varieties and assessment of the potential for commercial-scale production of cassava-supplemented pasta
- Grant amount: Rs. 2 400 000.00 (USD 21 850.00)
- Grant No.: ASP/01/RE/SCI/2017/74
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Research Grants:
- Principal Investigator
- Duration: 2018-2019
- Title: Molecular analysis on segregation pattern of Nymphaea nouchali, the National Flower of Sri Lanka; the feasibility of using seed-derived plants for mass propagation
- Grant amount: Rs. 186 000.00. (USD 1700.00)
- Grant No.: SRHDC/RP/04/18-01
Bill & Mellinda Gates Foundation, USA, through CIAT, Cali, Colombia:
- Principal Investigator
- Duration: 2014-2017
- Title: Double Haploid Breeding for Cassava Enhancement, Phase II,
- Grant amount: Rs. 40 000 000.00 (USD 300 800.00)
- Grant No.: C-089-14
National Research Council, Sri Lanka:
- Principal Investigator
- Duration: 2015-2017
- Title: Multiplication and distribution of threatened Nymphaea nouchali f. the national flower of Sri Lanka, to prevent its extinction;
- Grant amount: 1 309 216.00 (USD 12 700.00)
- Grant NO: 15-013
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka Research Grants:
- Principal Investigator
- Duration: 2015-2017
- Title: Clonal Propagation of Nymphaea nouchali f., the national flower of Sri Lanka, to prevent its extinction
- Grant amount: Rs. 330 920.00. (USD 3008.00)
- Grant No.: SRHDC/RP/04/15-01
Young Scientist Innovation Grant:
- Principal Investigator
- By International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) Colombia to promote the young scientists capacities to innovate
- Grant Amount USD 15 000.00
Career Performance Development Programs
- Successfully completed the workshop on Practical aspects of Plant Breeding held at the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya in 2014
- Successfully completed the ‘Certificate Course on Staff development’ conducted at the Staff Development Center, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka from 24th October 2014 to 24th April 2015.
- Completed the courses on ‘Quantitative Genetics’ and ‘Introduction to QTL mapping’ at the 18th Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA from July 15- July 19, 2013
- Live cell immerging of pollen embryogenesis and microspore transformation, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), Gatersleben, Germany (23 September–23 October 2011).
- Chromosome preparations, University of California, Davis, USA (10–17 October 2010).
- Coconut embryo culture, germplasm collection and gene bank management, Zamboanga Coconut Research Center, Philippines (11–15 December 2008).
- In situ hybridisation, IRD- CIRAD, Montpellier, France (1 August –30 November 2004).
- Practical molecular biology, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (1–13 March 2004).
- Protein analysis, IRD, Montpellier, France (1 July–31October 2003).
- Plant transformation, Agriculture Biotechnology Centre, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (22–23 December 2003).
- Histological analysis (light microscope and scanning electron microscope observations), IRD, Montpellier, France (1 December 2002 to 28 February 2003).
Postgraduate Students supervision
- Student name: Ms. Buttibwa Mary
- Title: Utilizing Heat-Treated pollen and androgenesis pathways for production of haploids in cassava
- Institute: Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
- Registered in 2016
- Completed in 2021
Principle Supervisor;
- Student name: A S Jathunarachchi
- Title: In vitro screening of chilli and beet varieties for selected abiotic stresses to be used in a comparative study of crop models for improving the microclimatic conditions under Kalpitiya cropping system
- Institute: Wayamba University of Peradeniya
- Ongoing
- Registered in 2021
- Student name: R.A.T.Nilusha
- Title: Characterization of cassava (Manihot esculenta) flour from five Sri Lankan cassava cultivars and development of cassava flour incorporated pasta
- Institute: Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
- Completed
- Registered in 2017
- Completed in 2022
- Student name: K.D.B.P. Jayasinghe
- Title: Formulation of an organic-based liquid fertilizer for hydropinic lettuce
- Institute: Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka
- On-going
- Registered in 2019
Principal Supervisor:
- Student name: Pablo Emilio Moreno Ortega
- Title of thesis: Chromosomal Abnormalities During Microsporogenesis In Two Varieties Of Cassava Manihot esculenta Crantz
- Institute: National University of Colombia (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Palmira, Colombia
- Registered in 2013
- Completed in 2015
International Development
- Country representative and a member of the Asian Cassava Breeders Network (ACB-Net) from 2017
- Reviewer of international journals such as Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, Biologia, Annals of Botany (Plant), In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology, HortScience, Crop Science, African Journal of Biotechnology etc.
- Associate Editor, SABRAO (Society for the Advancement of Breeding Research in Asia and Oceania) Journal of Breeding and Genetics
- Country representative for the Asian Cassava Breeders Net-work in 2017
National Development
- Programme Reviewer of State Universities (2019): Served as the review Chair of the Programme Review team -Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Town and Country Planning, Faculty of Architecture, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
- Programme Reviewer of State Universities (2019): Served as a member of the Programme Review team – Honours Degree of Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
- Programme Reviewer of State Universities (2019): Served as a member of the Programme Review team – Bachelor of Technology in Science and Technology and Bachelor of Science in Mineral Resources and Technology Degree Programmes, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Uwa Wellassa University of Sri Lanka
- Programme Reviewer of State Universities (2017): Served as a member of the Programme Review team – Social Science, Faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna
- Programme Reviewer of State Universities (2017): Served as a member of the Programme Review team – Social Science, BA (Hons) Languages Program, Faculty of Business Studies, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University of Sri Lanka
University Development
- Co-Chair, Wayamba University Research Congress, 2018
- Senate Representative to the Senate Research and Higher Degree Committee, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka from October 2017 to 2020
- Co-in-charge of National/ International Participation Committee, Wayamba International Conference in 2016
- Development of State-of-Art Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory using funds from Bill & Mellinda Gates Foundation, USA in 2015
- Chairman of the Senate-appointed committee for considering the appeals against the punishments on violation of Examination Procedures, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition in 2019
- Chairman of the committee appointed by the University Senate Research and Higher Degree Committee for developing the implementing procedure of a Grievance Committee for Postgraduate students in 2020
- Chairman of the senate Sub-Committee (for non-medical) appointed to revise the existing Marking Scheme for Selection Committees -Post of Senior Lecturer/ Lecturer (Prob.) -Non-Medical/ Dental and Medical/ Dental in 2021
- A member of the senate sub-committee appointed for suggesting a monitoring system of the progress of postgraduate programs
Faculty Development
- Head/ Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening since September 2017 -2020
- Development of a State-of Art Tissue Culture Laboratory using the funds from Research Grants
- Member, Faculty Higher Degree Committee from 2014 -2019
- Sc. (Agriculture) –Member of SER writing Team, Self Evaluation Report (SER) for program review -2018
- Member of the DOR proposal writing team (STEM), AHEAD Grant, 2018
- Deputy Proctor, Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka from 2015-2018
- Coordinator, Agricultural Research Symposium (AGRES), Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka in 2018
- Chairperson, Logistic committee, Agricultural Research Symposium (AGRES ), Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka in 2017
- Member of the Executive Committee: International Conference on ‘Advances in Tea – 2017’ (AITea 2017)- Co-in-charge of National/ International Participation Committee, Held in Colombo 2016
- Rapporteur: For the session of Country Papers of the International Conference on Advancements in Tea (AITea)-2016
- Chairperson, Publication Committee, Agricultural Research Symposium (AGRES ), Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka in 2016
- Chairperson, Publication Committee, Agricultural Research Symposium (AGRES ), Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka in 2015
- Senior Treasurer, Horticulture Society, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka in 2014 and 2015
Resource person of the Professional Development (CPD) Programmes
- Invited speaker: SS12 Asia 2017- Sri Lanka Competition, conducted at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication, University of Moratuwa on 25th April 2017
- Resource person, National Teacher Training Program conducted by the Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka in 2016
- Member of the Trainer Team for the training programme of Regional Southeast Asian Cassava Breeders, 14th – 26th November, 2016. Haikou, China
- Consultative service: Professional development activity conducted at the National Crops Resources Research Institute, Kampala, Uganda (NaCRRI) in 2012 and 2013
- From the Director, Coconut Research Institute for making a breakthrough in coconut tissue culture research developing novel techniques of ovary and anther culture
- From the Director, Coconut Research Institute for the contribution for coconut germplasm exchange program
- From International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Cali Colombia; For remarkable commitment and dedication for scientific research in 2012 and 2013