Mr. I.V. Kuruppu

Lecturer (Probationary)

Department of Agribusiness Management
Faculty of Agriculture & Plantation Management
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,
Makandura, Gonawila (NWP

Office: +94 3122 99246
Mobile: +94717017718

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Dr. Kusum Wijesinghe

Mr. Virajith Kuruppu holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM), University of Sri Jayewardenepura and B.Sc. in Agriculture (First Class Hons.) from Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. He is part qualified in Certified Management Accountants of Sri Lanka (CMA) and completed Diploma in Supply Chain Management with a Merit pass.

He joined Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute (HARTI) in 2017 and served as a Research Officer in Marketing, Food Policy and Agribusiness Division. During his tenure at HARTI, he engaged in many national and international collaborative research and training projects. He joined the Department of Agribusiness Management in the Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management as a lecturer in the year 2021. His research interests include Business Finance, Value Chain Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis, Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship.  

Full CV

  • South Asian Association for Development & Environmental Economics (SANDEE)
  • Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA)
  • Forum for Young Social Scientists (YSSF)
  • Business Finance
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Supply Chain Analysis
  • Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship
    • IPMP Gold Medal for the Best Overall Performance of B.Sc. (Agriculture) degree program of Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management – 2015.
    • DSI Group Award for the Best Performance in the Department of Agribusiness Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management – 2015.
    • Best In-Plant Trainee Performer at 9th In-Plant Training Symposium (IPTS) in the Department of Agribusiness Management, Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management – 2014.

      Peer Reviewed Journals

      • Selvarasan, M., Edirisinghe, J., & Kuruppu, I. (2017). Impact of Domestic Food Prices on Access to Food in Developing Areas in the World. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development (JAEID), 111(1), 63-73. doi:10.12895/jaeid.20171.542.
      • Sandaruwani, K., Kuruppu, I., & Edirisinghe, J. (2018). Spatial Linkages of Green Chili Prices between a Dedicated Economic Centre and Other Regional Markets in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Food and Agriculture, 4(1), 35-42. Retrieved from
      • Kuruppu, I., Edirisinghe, J., Herath, H., & Jayasinghe-Mudalige, U. (2018). Potential Policy Insights on Willingness to Accept/Pay Estimates for Agro Biodiversity in Domestic Household Level. Sri Lankan Journal of Agricultural Economics, 19(1), 47-58.
      • Kuruppu, I. V., Edirisinghe, J. C., Herath, H. M., Jayasinghe-Mudalige, U., Wijesuriya, W., Udugama, J., & Fernando, A. (2015). Farmers’ Valuation of Agro Biodiversity in Home Gardens: A Case Study in the Kurunagala District. Journal of Environmental Professionals Sri Lanka, 4(1), 72-83. Retrieved from
      • Fernando, S., De Silve, P., Kuruppu, I., Aiome, G., Dembatapitiya, D., & Nilusha, G. (2020). Study on Potential Alternatives for the Banned Polythene Bags and Lunch Sheets (PBLS) and Exploring the Nature of PBLS Prevailing in the Market in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Economic Research, 7(2), 25-45. doi:10.4038/sljer.v7i2.113.
      • Sovis, W., Kuruppu, I., Jayakody, A., & Herath, H. (2020). Mechanics and Prospects of Groundnut Value Chain in Mullaitivu District, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Economic Research, 8(1), 79-100. doi:10.4038/sljer.v8i1.125.

      Conference Proceedings

      • Kuruppu, I. V., Edirisinghe, J. C., Herath, H. M., Jayasinghe-Mudalige, U., Wijesuriya, W., Udugama, J., & Fernando, A. (2014). Agrobiodiversity of Home Gardens in the Kurunegala District: a choice experiment to value farmers’ point of view . international Symposium on Biodiversity, Food and Nutrition (p. 22). Colombo: Wayamba University of Sri Lanka .
      • Kuruppu, I. V., Edirisinghe, J. C., & Herath, H. M. (2015). Farmers’ Valuation of Agro Biodiversity in Home Gardens: A Case Study in the Kurunagala District. . Ninth Annual Research Forum, Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA) (p. 35). Peradeniya: Sri Lanka Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA).
      • Sandaruwani, K., Kuruppu, I., & Edirisinghe, J. (2018). Spatial Linkages of Green Chilli Prices between Dambulla and Other Regional Markets in Sri Lanka. SLCARP International Agricultural Research Symposium (p. 130). Colombo: Sri Lanka Council for Agricultural Research Policy.
      • Kuruppu, I., Sujeewa, P., & Rangana, D. (2016). Valuation of Adapting Native Cattle in to Sri Lankan Economy: A Case Study in Knuckles Range. Wayamba University International Conference (p. 246). Kuliyapitiya : Wayamba University .
      • Kuruppu, I. (2018). Impact of Informal Extension on Herbicide Usage among Paddy Farmers. Wayamba University International Conference (p. 338). Kuliyapitiya : Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
      • Kuruppu, I. (2018). Augmenting Agro-Chemical Retailers into Point of Extension for Sustainable Herbicide Usage . 4th International Conference on Dry Zone Agriculture (p. 105). Jaffne : Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jaffna.
      • Kuruppu, I., Chathuranga, V., Dissanayaka, A., & Fernando, S. (2019). Do Sri Lankan Farmers have Adequate Knowledge on ICT Usage? 7th International Conference of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (ICSUSL) (p. 188). Belihuloya: Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
      • Dissanayaka, A., Fernando, S., Sanjaya, U., & Kuruppu, I. (2019). Potentials and challenges of Electric Fences as a mitigation Measure for the Human Elephant Conflict in Sri Lanka: A case of Moneragala and Ampara Districts. 5th Ruhuna University International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (RUICHSS) (p. 84). Matara: University of Ruhun.
      • Kuruppu, I., Chathuranga, V., Dissanayake, A., & Fernando, S. (2020). Farmer Perception on the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Agriculture: Evidence from Major Potato Cultivating Areas in Sri Lanka. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (p. 160). Matara: University of Ruhuna.
      • Kuruppu, I., Edirisinghe, J. C., Herath, H. M., Jayasinghe-Mudalige, U., Wijesuriya, W., Udugama, J., & Fernando, A. (2014). Farmers’ Valuation of Agro-biodiversity in Home Gardens: A Case Study in Kurunagala District. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (pp. 375-378). Kamburupitiya : Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.
      • Edirisinghe, I., Amarakoon, D., & Kuruppu, I. (2020). Lessons Learned from the Fertilizer Cash Grant Programme Implemented in Sri Lanka. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (p. 11). Matara: University of Ruhuna.
      • Dissanayaka, A., Kuruppu, I., Rathnayake, D., & Dharmawardhana, T. (2020). Nature and Magnitude of Human Wildlife Conflict and Coping Strategies among Major Grain Farming Communities in Ampara and Moneragala Districts. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (p. 9). Matara: University of Ruhuna.
      • Buhary, R., Sivagnanasundaram, J., Chandrasena, S., Gunapala, R., Dharmawardhana, T., Dissanayake, A., Kuruppu, I., Weerakkody, R. & Ginige, A. (2020). Mobile-based Information System for Managing Pests and Diseases of Paddy in Sri Lanka. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment (p. 170). Matara: University of Ruhuna.

      Books and Book Chapters

      • Kuruppu, I., Amarakoon, D. & Fernando, S. (2020). Public-private partnership prospects for quality seed potato production in Sri Lanka. Colombo: Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research & Training Institute. ISBN 978-955-612-263-3.
      • Fernando, S., Aiome, G., Kuruppu, I., De Silva, P., Samarakoon, S., & Herath, H. (2020). Ban on Polythene Bags and Lunch Sheets in Sri Lanka Impact, Challenges and Alternatives. Colombo: Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research & Training Institute. ISBN 978-955-612-259-6.
      • Wijesooriya, N., Champika, J., & Kuruppu, I. (2020). The socio economic status, channel choice and the perception of paddy farmers’ links to the public and private marketing channels in Sri Lanka. Colombo : Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute. ISBN 978-955-612-264-0.
      • Edirisinghe, I., Amarakoon, D., & Kuruppu, I. (2019). A Review of the Fertilizer Cash Grant Programme in Sri Lanka. Colombo: Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research & Training Institute. ISBN 978-955-612-250-3.

      Special Country Representation

      • Proposal Development Training Workshop (PDTW) on “Climate Smart Agriculture: Meeting the Demands of a Growing Population” organized by Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) – 2020.
      • “RuralInvest” Introductory Training Course: Introduction to Formulation and Analysis of Agricultural Business Plans and Small Investment Projects organized by Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations (FAO) – 2020.
      • Formulation of Minimum Cost of Diet – Practitioners Training and Qualifying to Conduct Cost of the Diet Analysis organized by World Food Programme (WFP) – 2019.
      • Project Management and Monitoring & Evaluation In-Country Training Programme, organized by the Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) – 2018.