Ydl mgl frdamKh ms<sn| Wiia iy;sl m;% mdGud,dj
Advanced Certifiacte in Plant Tissue Culture
mdGud,d jHqyh
- Ydl mgl frdamKh ms<sn| ye|skaúu
- Ydl mgl frdamK mßirh
- Ydl mgl frdamK úoHd.rhl uq,sl ie,eiau yd WmlrK
- Ëqø m%pdrKh
- Ydl mgl frdamKh wdY%s; jHjidh ks¾udKh
b,lal ldKavdhï
- jHjidhlhska rdcH yd fm!oa.,sl wxYfha jD;slhska lDIsl¾udka; fËa;%fha kshqla;slhka iy wOHhk fmdÿ iy;sl m;% idudkH fm< jrloS úIhka myla iu;a wh
mdGud,d .dia;=
- remsh,a 38000 ^iïmq¾K uqo, ,shdmosxÑ ùfïoS f.úh hq;=hs&
- whÿïm;a ieliSfï .dia;=j remsh,a 500
- isxy, iy bx.%Sis
- i;s 12 ls ^nodod miajre 5 isg 8 olajd iy fikiqrdod fmrjre 9 isg miajre 4 olajd&
whÿïm;a Ndr.kakd wjika Èkh
- 2024 uehs ui 22
- whÿï l, ms<sfj,g iQ¥iQlï iys; wh mdGud,dj yeoEÍu i|yd f;dard .kq ,efí
jeä úia;r i|yd wu;kak
wdpd¾h m%shxjod jrldf.dv
fÊHIaG ld:sldpd¾h
ffcj;dlaIK wOHhk wxYh
lDIsl¾u yd jeú,s l<uKdlrK mSsGh
› ,xld jhU úYajúoHd,h
udlªr mßY%h
ÿrl:k wxlh 0718219967
Plant Tissue culture is an important tool for both basic and applied aspects of plant biotechnology as well as its commercial applications. As a set of techniques widely known for the production of large numbers of genetically identical plantlets, this technology exhibits several advantages over conventional propagation techniques. All techniques are skill-based and upon systematic learning, can equip a person to effectively utilize the techniques in various areas like basic research, environmental issues, and commercial applications. It is a valuable tool for research on morphogenesis, cell signaling, physiology, and molecular biology, as well as crop improvement by biotechnology.
This short course offers comprehensive hands-on training for learning the basics with an insight into laboratory practices along with exposure to “lab-to-land” transfers. The course will be a value-added course for advanced level (A/L) science stream school teachers and technical college instructors; entrepreneurs who wish to establish their own labs; researchers in plant tissue culture focusing on commercial applications such as micropropagation, crop improvement, secondary metabolite production, etc. There is a big potential to develop this sector into a widespread income-generating business that provides more employment opportunities to the community.
The Objective of the Course:
The course aims to provide basic and applied training in plant tissue culture to develop skills for a successful career in entrepreneurship, generate technically trained human resources for tissue culture industries, and as instructors in schools and technical colleges.
Target Group:
Anybody who seeks to acquire fundamental, but essential, knowledge and improve hands-on skills in this specific field of learning.
Duration of the Course:
The 12-week course includes 111 direct learning hours characterized by 51 online theory hours and 60 practical hours.
- Contact hours on Wednesday evenings (5.00 – 8.00 m.) and Saturdays (9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.)
Course Fee:
Rs. 38,000.00 (Full payment should be paid upon registration)
Course Delivery Method:
Online and laboratory-based (At the Tissue Culture Laboratory, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Makandura, Gonawila)
Entry Qualification:
Five passes in one sitting of G.C.E. Ordinary Level (O/L) or a minimum of 01-year working experience in a related field.